Carlos Whittaker

Blogger, Author, Worship Leader, Speaker, Cultural Leader

Carlos is a blogger, author, speaker, worship leader, and "Moment Maker." He blogs at and speaks at churches and conferences around the country. 

Travels From:
Nashville, TN

Booking Fee:
Call 866-400-2036 for a quote

Chances are you’ve heard of musician, thought leader, blogger, and communicator Carlos Whittaker and just didn’t realize it. Maybe you know him because of a certain Beyonce “Single Ladies” viral video that received a People’s Choice Award, or from his segment on TLC’s “LA Ink.” Maybe you know him from leading worship for the President Of The United States at the White House, writing music as an Integrity Music artist, or maybe it was through his popular blog – Ragamuffin Soul. Whatever the outlet, one thing’s for certain – Carlos Whittaker knows how to make big moments in his life.

To date, the YouTube video of Carlos’s son’s “Single Ladies Devastation” has received over 7 million views. But for Carlos, his wife Heather, and their three children, this viral moment was just a snapshot of the bigger picture.

“Our family has experienced our share of moments both big and small. What we’ve learned is that every single one has played a pinnacle part in our lives. Each moment has built on to the next one and when we take a step back we see this incredible canvas that has been woven together.”

Last year’s release of Moment Maker marked Carlos’ debut as an author, but this journey into writing a book began long before that. Growing up between Los Angeles and Atlanta, Carlos began his movement as a “Moment Maker” early on. From professing his undying devotion to his first love to convincing his best friend to provide moral support in the trunk of his car, each moment has made a significant impact on Carlos’ life.

As an adult, Carlos and his wife Heather moved from California back to Atlanta where he joined the team at Andy Stanley’s Buckhead Church. There, Carlos continued to apply ‘moment making’ into his every day life, blogging about his experiences and recruiting his family and friends along the way. These years of “moments” find its way into Moment Maker where Carlos shares his experiences and divides these discoveries into three parts – “Creating Moments,” “Receiving Moments” and “Rescuing Moments.”

“I’ve learned that ‘Moment Making’ has to be a conscious decision. There’s a story in the book about when I meet a group of soldiers who had just returned to America. I had a choice, I could either go back to my hotel room or I could make a moment, sit down with them and hear their stories. It’s experiences like this one that have taught me that life is full of beautiful surprises. You can start out thinking you’re making a moment for somebody and end up getting a moment right back.”

Currently Carlos is regularly teaching at churches and conferences worldwide.  Including Catalyst Conference, Crosspoint Community Church, FreshLife Church, and many more. 

“Carlos is funny and profound. It’s rare to be so entertained by a speaker while he simultaneously changes your life.” - Donald Miller, author of 'Blue Like Jazz'

“My advice as a pastor to you regarding Carlos Whittaker would be that under no circumstance should you book him for the next year. I say that selfishly because I want his schedule completely open so he is available to come back to Montana again and again and again because he killed it so hard when he preached at fresh life last time.” - Levi Lusko, pastor at Fresh Life Church in Montana

“Carlos Whitaker has the rare gift of delivering a message that is inspiring, hilarious, practical and most importantly God honoring. You’ll be so glad you brought him in for one of your services.” - Pete Wilson, pastor at Cross Point Church in Nasvhille, TN, author of 'Plan B'

“Carlos connects with audiences in an honest, dynamic, fresh way. More than that, he helps connect audiences to each other, to ideas and most importantly to God.” - Jon Acuff, autho of 'Do Over'

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